Springtime in the Rockies 2

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Springtime in the Rockies 2: We had an especially wet spring, which made for great wildflowers! It was taken in the suburbs of Denver along the foothills in an open space park.
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We had an especially wet spring, which made for great wildflowers! It was taken in the suburbs of Denver along the foothills in an open space park.
Springtime in the Rockies 2: We had an especially wet spring, which made for great wildflowers! It was taken in the suburbs of Denver along the foothills in an open space park.

July 15, 2015 swordsman47

I’ve written a haiku about your photo and have published it (with attribution) on my blog. It can be seen here: https://thebardonthehill.wordpress.com/2015/07/14/three-miscellaneous-haiku-by-dennis-lange-145/ Thanks, Dennis Lange, the bard on the hill

Columbine profile gallery
Image properties
Dimensions: 2448px * 3264px
Published: January - 09 - 2010
Camera: Canon
Date: 2009:05:29 06:47:59
Exposure: 1/1250
Focal length: 22400/1000
ISO: 320
Permalink 2dRqjm6x
landscapes spring flowers
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Springtime in the Rockies 2: We had an especially wet spring, which made for great wildflowers! It was taken in the suburbs of Denver along the foothills in an open space park. Springtime in the Rockies 2: We had an especially wet spring, which made for great wildflowers! It was taken in the suburbs of Denver along the foothills in an open space park. Springtime in the Rockies 2: We had an especially wet spring, which made for great wildflowers! It was taken in the suburbs of Denver along the foothills in an open space park. Springtime in the Rockies 2: We had an especially wet spring, which made for great wildflowers! It was taken in the suburbs of Denver along the foothills in an open space park. 300px //b.rgbimg.com/users/c/co/columbine/600/2dRqjm6.jpg 600px //b.rgbimg.com/users/c/co/columbine/600/2dRqjm6.jpg 100px