Chester Landmark

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Chester Landmark: The Clock over the Eastgate entrance to the city of Chester. It was erected in 1897 to  mark the Diamond  Jubilee of Queen Victoria.Please let me know if you are using this image. A comment will suffice.
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The Clock over the Eastgate entrance to the city of Chester. It was erected in 1897 to mark the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria.Please let me know if you are using this image. A comment will suffice.
Chester Landmark: The Clock over the Eastgate entrance to the city of Chester. It was erected in 1897 to  mark the Diamond  Jubilee of Queen Victoria.Please let me know if you are using this image. A comment will suffice.
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Image properties
Dimensions: 1974px * 2949px
Published: September - 27 - 2007
Camera: Nikon D40
Date: 2007:09:18 10:51:39
Exposure: 1/640s
Focal length: 55mm
ISO: 800
Permalink 2dcT6STx
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Chester Landmark: The Clock over the Eastgate entrance to the city of Chester. It was erected in 1897 to  mark the Diamond  Jubilee of Queen Victoria.Please let me know if you are using this image. A comment will suffice. Chester Landmark: The Clock over the Eastgate entrance to the city of Chester. It was erected in 1897 to  mark the Diamond  Jubilee of Queen Victoria.Please let me know if you are using this image. A comment will suffice. Chester Landmark: The Clock over the Eastgate entrance to the city of Chester. It was erected in 1897 to  mark the Diamond  Jubilee of Queen Victoria.Please let me know if you are using this image. A comment will suffice. Chester Landmark: The Clock over the Eastgate entrance to the city of Chester. It was erected in 1897 to mark the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria.Please let me know if you are using this image. A comment will suffice. 300px // 600px // 100px