Lingmala waterfalls

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Lingmala waterfalls: Lingmala waterfalls near mahabaleshwar, western India.
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Lingmala waterfalls near mahabaleshwar, western India.
Lingmala waterfalls: Lingmala waterfalls near mahabaleshwar, western India.

April 5, 2011 Newsham

Terrific photo!

November 23, 2010 krayker

@AustraRose, on another day it would have been fine, but it was a bit slippery that day, as it was drizzling and bang in the middle of monsoon. so yeah, some tense calf muscles. lols

November 17, 2010 AustraRose

Fantastic! You must be brave taking a picture from there!

krayker profile gallery
Image properties
Dimensions: 1536px * 2048px
Published: November - 13 - 2009
Camera: Canon
Date: 2004:07:02 17:09:49
Exposure: 1/80
Focal length: 173/32
ISO: --
Permalink 2dkzlPIx
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Lingmala waterfalls: Lingmala waterfalls near mahabaleshwar, western India. Lingmala waterfalls: Lingmala waterfalls near mahabaleshwar, western India. Lingmala waterfalls: Lingmala waterfalls near mahabaleshwar, western India. Lingmala waterfalls: Lingmala waterfalls near mahabaleshwar, western India. 300px // 600px // 100px
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