Rusty Grunge

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Rusty Grunge: Dark, grungy rust. Graphic. Useful texture, brush, background or fill.  Please read the terms of use first.
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Dark, grungy rust. Graphic. Useful texture, brush, background or fill. Please read the terms of use first.
Rusty Grunge: Dark, grungy rust. Graphic. Useful texture, brush, background or fill.  Please read the terms of use first.

November 14, 2013 4squarepic

Rich in natural crackling, fractured and mottled form. Lends itself to the creation of antique/historical images with only a minute adjustment of hue. Nice work.

xymonau profile gallery
Image properties
Dimensions: 2100px * 1538px
Published: December - 08 - 2009
Date: --
Exposure: --
Focal length:
ISO: --
Permalink 2dyXsoKx
textures urban_decay desktops license
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Rusty Grunge: Dark, grungy rust. Graphic. Useful texture, brush, background or fill.  Please read the terms of use first. Rusty Grunge: Dark, grungy rust. Graphic. Useful texture, brush, background or fill.  Please read the terms of use first. Rusty Grunge: Dark, grungy rust. Graphic. Useful texture, brush, background or fill.  Please read the terms of use first. Rusty Grunge: Dark, grungy rust. Graphic. Useful texture, brush, background or fill. Please read the terms of use first. 300px // 600px // 100px