Sunrise 6-7-09

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Sunrise 6-7-09: Over the Gulf of Mexico Grandfather Sun rose to the occasion.
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Over the Gulf of Mexico Grandfather Sun rose to the occasion.
Sunrise 6-7-09: Over the Gulf of Mexico Grandfather Sun rose to the occasion.

October 3, 2011 Newsham

Awesome shot!

October 31, 2010 StariSob

I'll use this nice sunset photo to illustrate astronomy article. Thanks :)

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Image properties
Dimensions: 4272px * 2848px
Published: January - 07 - 2010
Camera: Canon
Date: 2009:06:06 18:30:21
Exposure: 1/500
Focal length: 300/1
ISO: 200
Permalink dMG7HGx
sunsets license
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Sunrise 6-7-09: Over the Gulf of Mexico Grandfather Sun rose to the occasion. Sunrise 6-7-09: Over the Gulf of Mexico Grandfather Sun rose to the occasion. Sunrise 6-7-09: Over the Gulf of Mexico Grandfather Sun rose to the occasion. Sunrise 6-7-09: Over the Gulf of Mexico Grandfather Sun rose to the occasion. 300px // 600px // 100px