Picnic Area - HDR

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Picnic Area - HDR: A picnic area next to a lake in sunset settings. The picture is HDR using nine images.
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A picnic area next to a lake in sunset settings. The picture is HDR using nine images.
Picnic Area - HDR: A picnic area next to a lake in sunset settings. The picture is HDR using nine images.

September 18, 2013 kbsea

Used your fantastic photo on website. Thanks.

September 1, 2013 kbsea


August 24, 2010 crisderaud

Great shot John!!

johnnyberg profile gallery
Image properties
Dimensions: 3612px * 2408px
Published: August - 24 - 2010
Date: 2010:08:22 19:56:29
Exposure: 800/100000
Focal length: 1100000/100000
ISO: 100
Permalink mA3GM6mx
coastlines forests summer
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Picnic Area - HDR: A picnic area next to a lake in sunset settings. The picture is HDR using nine images. Picnic Area - HDR: A picnic area next to a lake in sunset settings. The picture is HDR using nine images. Picnic Area - HDR: A picnic area next to a lake in sunset settings. The picture is HDR using nine images. Picnic Area - HDR: A picnic area next to a lake in sunset settings. The picture is HDR using nine images. 300px //b.rgbimg.com/users/j/jo/johnnyberg/600/mA3GM6m.jpg 600px //b.rgbimg.com/users/j/jo/johnnyberg/600/mA3GM6m.jpg 100px