Forest path

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Forest path: fall path in forest
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fall path in forest
Forest path: fall path in forest

October 5, 2010 krayker

fantastic! this looks like a painting!

October 5, 2010 weirdvis

Looks like you're having a great autumn. In the UK we have slightly withered or fallen off. No spectacular reds and golds yet...

October 5, 2010 happyture

Beautiful :O)

Zela profile gallery
Image properties
Dimensions: 1901px * 2840px
Published: October - 04 - 2010
Camera: Nikon D80
Date: 2010:10:03 14:59:30
Exposure: 1/40s
Focal length: 98mm
ISO: 100
Permalink mDXFskEx
trees_and_bushes autumn license
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Forest path: fall path in forest Forest path: fall path in forest Forest path: fall path in forest Forest path: fall path in forest 300px // 600px // 100px