Sunsets & Silhouttes

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Sunsets & Silhouttes: Some images of the sunset from my small town in Laguna, Philippines.
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Some images of the sunset from my small town in Laguna, Philippines.
Sunsets & Silhouttes: Some images of the sunset from my small town in Laguna, Philippines.

February 21, 2011 xymonau

Oh, this is beautiful in the large version! Thank you!

yannick profile gallery
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Dimensions: 1920px * 1080px
Published: October - 14 - 2010
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Permalink mERa7ugx
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Sunsets & Silhouttes: Some images of the sunset from my small town in Laguna, Philippines. Sunsets & Silhouttes: Some images of the sunset from my small town in Laguna, Philippines. Sunsets & Silhouttes: Some images of the sunset from my small town in Laguna, Philippines. Sunsets & Silhouttes: Some images of the sunset from my small town in Laguna, Philippines. 300px // 600px // 100px