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Elk: Some pictures of the elk in Rocky Mountain National Park. They were bugling too which is an awesome experience!
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Some pictures of the elk in Rocky Mountain National Park. They were bugling too which is an awesome experience!
Elk: Some pictures of the elk in Rocky Mountain National Park. They were bugling too which is an awesome experience!

October 12, 2010 krayker

awesome series

Columbine profile gallery
Image properties
Dimensions: 3968px * 2232px
Published: October - 11 - 2010
Camera: Nikon
Date: 2010:10:10 16:49:12
Exposure: 1/260s
Focal length: 75mm
ISO: 80
Permalink mEz49EIx
animals autumn north_america
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Elk: Some pictures of the elk in Rocky Mountain National Park. They were bugling too which is an awesome experience! Elk: Some pictures of the elk in Rocky Mountain National Park. They were bugling too which is an awesome experience! Elk: Some pictures of the elk in Rocky Mountain National Park. They were bugling too which is an awesome experience! Elk: Some pictures of the elk in Rocky Mountain National Park. They were bugling too which is an awesome experience! 300px //b.rgbimg.com/users/c/co/columbine/600/mEz49EI.jpg 600px //b.rgbimg.com/users/c/co/columbine/600/mEz49EI.jpg 100px