Wild grapes

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Wild grapes: In our neigbourhood we have some gardens where the grapes were not tended for several years and became sort of wild. They look very nice though
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In our neigbourhood we have some gardens where the grapes were not tended for several years and became sort of wild. They look very nice though
Wild grapes: In our neigbourhood we have some gardens where the grapes were not tended for several years and became sort of wild. They look very nice though
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Image properties
Dimensions: 3872px * 2592px
Published: October - 22 - 2010
Camera: Sony
Date: 2010:10:17 12:07:06
Exposure: 1/80s
Focal length: 50mm
ISO: 100
Permalink mFDOLaix
plants trees_and_bushes autumn
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Wild grapes: In our neigbourhood we have some gardens where the grapes were not tended for several years and became sort of wild. They look very nice though Wild grapes: In our neigbourhood we have some gardens where the grapes were not tended for several years and became sort of wild. They look very nice though Wild grapes: In our neigbourhood we have some gardens where the grapes were not tended for several years and became sort of wild. They look very nice though Wild grapes: In our neigbourhood we have some gardens where the grapes were not tended for several years and became sort of wild. They look very nice though 300px //a.rgbimg.com/users/s/sw/sweng/600/mFDOLai.jpg 600px //a.rgbimg.com/users/s/sw/sweng/600/mFDOLai.jpg 100px