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Tunisia: ghar el mellah in the north of  Tunisia
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ghar el mellah in the north of Tunisia
Tunisia: ghar el mellah in the north of  Tunisia

August 29, 2013 fleetplc

Very nice. We want to use the photo in our online travel guides in teh section about Tunisia. Thank you for sharing!

November 16, 2010 Gramps

Beautifully taken,very impressive

oussama profile gallery
Image properties
Dimensions: 3648px * 2736px
Published: November - 15 - 2010
Camera: Canon DIGITAL IXUS 95 IS
Date: 2010:07:13 19:07:22
Exposure: 1/800s
Focal length: 6.2mm
ISO: 160
Permalink mHThXoAx
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Tunisia: ghar el mellah in the north of  Tunisia Tunisia: ghar el mellah in the north of  Tunisia Tunisia: ghar el mellah in the north of  Tunisia Tunisia: ghar el mellah in the north of Tunisia 300px //b.rgbimg.com/users/o/ou/oussama/600/mHThXoA.jpg 600px //b.rgbimg.com/users/o/ou/oussama/600/mHThXoA.jpg 100px