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PUPPY AND BUBBLE: My Jack Russell watching his first bubble before he popped it. Edited i Microsoft Photodraw. An old program but easy to use.
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My Jack Russell watching his first bubble before he popped it. Edited i Microsoft Photodraw. An old program but easy to use.
PUPPY AND BUBBLE: My Jack Russell watching his first bubble before he popped it. Edited i Microsoft Photodraw. An old program but easy to use.

November 18, 2013 9megaton

Thank you for your photo.

October 28, 2013 Teslacoils

very nice

November 8, 2010 Anirey

Great shot! A 'decisive moment' well captured!!

November 7, 2010 AustraRose

Thank you so much. 8-)

November 7, 2010 weirdvis

Wonderful shot!

AustraRose profile gallery
Image properties
Dimensions: 1291px * 1093px
Published: November - 07 - 2010
Date: --
Exposure: --
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ISO: --
Permalink mHbbhKGx
pets love
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PUPPY AND BUBBLE: My Jack Russell watching his first bubble before he popped it. Edited i Microsoft Photodraw. An old program but easy to use. PUPPY AND BUBBLE: My Jack Russell watching his first bubble before he popped it. Edited i Microsoft Photodraw. An old program but easy to use. PUPPY AND BUBBLE: My Jack Russell watching his first bubble before he popped it. Edited i Microsoft Photodraw. An old program but easy to use. PUPPY AND BUBBLE: My Jack Russell watching his first bubble before he popped it. Edited i Microsoft Photodraw. An old program but easy to use. 300px //b.rgbimg.com/users/a/au/austrarose/600/mHbbhKG.jpg 600px //b.rgbimg.com/users/a/au/austrarose/600/mHbbhKG.jpg 100px