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Moscow: The greatest city of Moscow in Russia. The St. Basil´s Cathedral, the St. Maria´s Cathedral, The Moskva River...
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The greatest city of Moscow in Russia. The St. Basil´s Cathedral, the St. Maria´s Cathedral, The Moskva River...
Moscow: The greatest city of Moscow in Russia. The St. Basil´s Cathedral, the St. Maria´s Cathedral, The Moskva River...
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Dimensions: 1944px * 2896px
Published: December - 13 - 2010
Camera: Nikon D3000
Date: 2010:07:30 07:57:13
Exposure: 1/250s
Focal length: 40mm
ISO: 160
Permalink mKxsLTux
general_architecture classic license
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Moscow: The greatest city of Moscow in Russia. The St. Basil´s Cathedral, the St. Maria´s Cathedral, The Moskva River... Moscow: The greatest city of Moscow in Russia. The St. Basil´s Cathedral, the St. Maria´s Cathedral, The Moskva River... Moscow: The greatest city of Moscow in Russia. The St. Basil´s Cathedral, the St. Maria´s Cathedral, The Moskva River... Moscow: The greatest city of Moscow in Russia. The St. Basil´s Cathedral, the St. Maria´s Cathedral, The Moskva River... 300px // 600px // 100px