Spiral Notebook With Lines

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Spiral Notebook With Lines: A section of a spiral bound notebook, with blue lines and a red margin at the side. Very useful paper background.
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A section of a spiral bound notebook, with blue lines and a red margin at the side. Very useful paper background.
Spiral Notebook With Lines: A section of a spiral bound notebook, with blue lines and a red margin at the side. Very useful paper background.

June 5, 2019 duke925

Thank you for making the picture what I needed

April 18, 2014 Prometheus1618

Thank you, I have been looking for just such a picture

April 18, 2014 Prometheus1618

Thank you, I have been looking for just such a picture

March 30, 2012 sherylo

Thanks for making this available! It was exactly what I needed. I used it on my blog at http://www.sherylobryan.com/gratitude-and-attitude/.

October 8, 2011 crisderaud

Compelling stock image!

xymonau profile gallery
Image properties
Dimensions: 1726px * 1797px
Published: March - 16 - 2011
Date: --
Exposure: --
Focal length:
ISO: --
Permalink mTh52uwx
textures general backgrounds
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Spiral Notebook With Lines: A section of a spiral bound notebook, with blue lines and a red margin at the side. Very useful paper background. Spiral Notebook With Lines: A section of a spiral bound notebook, with blue lines and a red margin at the side. Very useful paper background. Spiral Notebook With Lines: A section of a spiral bound notebook, with blue lines and a red margin at the side. Very useful paper background. Spiral Notebook With Lines: A section of a spiral bound notebook, with blue lines and a red margin at the side. Very useful paper background. 300px //a.rgbimg.com/users/x/xy/xymonau/600/mTh52uw.jpg 600px //a.rgbimg.com/users/x/xy/xymonau/600/mTh52uw.jpg 100px
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