Glow 2

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Glow 2: This was taken at Lalbagh in Bangalore (India), one of the biggest nurseries of plants and flowers in the state. Someone please tell me which plant this is. Would like to add it to the keywords.
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This was taken at Lalbagh in Bangalore (India), one of the biggest nurseries of plants and flowers in the state. Someone please tell me which plant this is. Would like to add it to the keywords.
Glow 2: This was taken at Lalbagh in Bangalore (India), one of the biggest nurseries of plants and flowers in the state. Someone please tell me which plant this is. Would like to add it to the keywords.
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Image properties
Dimensions: 3872px * 2592px
Published: January - 12 - 2010
Camera: Nikon
Date: 2007:11:11 16:32:03
Exposure: 10/40000
Focal length: 180/10
ISO: 100
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Glow 2: This was taken at Lalbagh in Bangalore (India), one of the biggest nurseries of plants and flowers in the state. Someone please tell me which plant this is. Would like to add it to the keywords. Glow 2: This was taken at Lalbagh in Bangalore (India), one of the biggest nurseries of plants and flowers in the state. Someone please tell me which plant this is. Would like to add it to the keywords. Glow 2: This was taken at Lalbagh in Bangalore (India), one of the biggest nurseries of plants and flowers in the state. Someone please tell me which plant this is. Would like to add it to the keywords. Glow 2: This was taken at Lalbagh in Bangalore (India), one of the biggest nurseries of plants and flowers in the state. Someone please tell me which plant this is. Would like to add it to the keywords. 300px // 600px // 100px