Whale tail

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Whale tail: Sperm whales diving off the Norwegian coast in Andenes, Andöya
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Sperm whales diving off the Norwegian coast in Andenes, Andöya
Whale tail: Sperm whales diving off the Norwegian coast in Andenes, Andöya

March 8, 2010 krayker

hard to sight these in our parts, must be thrilling to see them! thanks for sharing

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Image properties
Dimensions: 2645px * 1771px
Published: January - 14 - 2010
Date: --
Exposure: --
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Permalink mf6R9JKx
animals fish coastlines
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Whale tail: Sperm whales diving off the Norwegian coast in Andenes, Andöya Whale tail: Sperm whales diving off the Norwegian coast in Andenes, Andöya Whale tail: Sperm whales diving off the Norwegian coast in Andenes, Andöya Whale tail: Sperm whales diving off the Norwegian coast in Andenes, Andöya 300px //b.rgbimg.com/users/m/ma/marmit/600/mf6R9JK.jpg 600px //b.rgbimg.com/users/m/ma/marmit/600/mf6R9JK.jpg 100px