Child Safety

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Child Safety: Many years ago parents would put these big stickers on the window of a child's bedroom so the fire fighters could find the more quickly.This one actually went through a fire, but remained pretty much intact. It seemed to tell a story to me.
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Many years ago parents would put these big stickers on the window of a child's bedroom so the fire fighters could find the more quickly.This one actually went through a fire, but remained pretty much intact. It seemed to tell a story to me.
Child Safety: Many years ago parents would put these big stickers on the window of a child's bedroom so the fire fighters could find the more quickly.This one actually went through a fire, but remained pretty much intact. It seemed to tell a story to me.

October 5, 2013 jason_23

love it!

July 23, 2010 fishmonk

Fascinating! Nice image too...

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Dimensions: 1363px * 1024px
Published: January - 23 - 2010
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Child Safety: Many years ago parents would put these big stickers on the window of a child's bedroom so the fire fighters could find the more quickly.This one actually went through a fire, but remained pretty much intact. It seemed to tell a story to me. Child Safety: Many years ago parents would put these big stickers on the window of a child's bedroom so the fire fighters could find the more quickly.This one actually went through a fire, but remained pretty much intact. It seemed to tell a story to me. Child Safety: Many years ago parents would put these big stickers on the window of a child's bedroom so the fire fighters could find the more quickly.This one actually went through a fire, but remained pretty much intact. It seemed to tell a story to me. Child Safety: Many years ago parents would put these big stickers on the window of a child's bedroom so the fire fighters could find the more quickly.This one actually went through a fire, but remained pretty much intact. It seemed to tell a story to me. 300px // 600px // 100px