Spring rain - young plant

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Spring rain - young plant: My one
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My one "flower shot" (called Lilly) here on SXC shows what this plant looks like after it blooms. This is the baby version just starting to grow (with a little help from Mother Nature).
Spring rain - young plant: My one
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Dimensions: 1365px * 1024px
Published: January - 23 - 2010
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Permalink mfXjUTmx
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Spring rain - young plant: My one Spring rain - young plant: My one Spring rain - young plant: My one Spring rain - young plant: My one "flower shot" (called Lilly) here on SXC shows what this plant looks like after it blooms. This is the baby version just starting to grow (with a little help from Mother Nature). 300px //b.rgbimg.com/users/b/br/brainloc/600/mfXjUTm.jpg 600px //b.rgbimg.com/users/b/br/brainloc/600/mfXjUTm.jpg 100px