Is it Friday yet?

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Is it Friday yet?: Missed deadlines, over budget and all of those TPS reports to fill out! :-)
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Missed deadlines, over budget and all of those TPS reports to fill out! :-)
Is it Friday yet?: Missed deadlines, over budget and all of those TPS reports to fill out! :-)

March 19, 2016 xymonau

Always some of my favourite photos.

December 28, 2014 wimesser

nice pic!!

January 5, 2014 franjoreyes

Great..thank you...

January 23, 2010 weirdvis

It's so good to see your iconic images here. You made my day when I saw your name in the evaluation queue. Welcome to RGB! :D

brainloc profile gallery
Image properties
Dimensions: 1365px * 1024px
Published: January - 23 - 2010
Date: --
Exposure: --
Focal length:
ISO: --
Permalink mfXlX4gx
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Is it Friday yet?: Missed deadlines, over budget and all of those TPS reports to fill out! :-) Is it Friday yet?: Missed deadlines, over budget and all of those TPS reports to fill out! :-) Is it Friday yet?: Missed deadlines, over budget and all of those TPS reports to fill out! :-) Is it Friday yet?: Missed deadlines, over budget and all of those TPS reports to fill out! :-) 300px // 600px // 100px