Dracula 1

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Dracula 1: Dracula's house in Sighisoara, Romania
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Dracula's house in Sighisoara, Romania
Dracula 1: Dracula's house in Sighisoara, Romania

November 1, 2013 sloopjohnb

Count Alucard as he called himself in one of the many Dracula movies!! He was trying to disguise his identity!!!

alexbruda profile gallery
Image properties
Dimensions: 2048px * 1536px
Published: January - 15 - 2010
Camera: Canon
Date: 2005:08:28 12:59:31
Exposure: 1/320
Focal length: 5800/1000
ISO: --
Permalink mffP2JKx
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Dracula 1: Dracula's house in Sighisoara, Romania Dracula 1: Dracula's house in Sighisoara, Romania Dracula 1: Dracula's house in Sighisoara, Romania Dracula 1: Dracula's house in Sighisoara, Romania 300px //a.rgbimg.com/users/a/al/alexbruda/600/mffP2JK.jpg 600px //a.rgbimg.com/users/a/al/alexbruda/600/mffP2JK.jpg 100px
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