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Home again: Fog rolling in off the Bay of Fundy at Halls Harbour, Nova Scotia at dusk while the blue sky still hangs overhead at low tide
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Fog rolling in off the Bay of Fundy at Halls Harbour, Nova Scotia at dusk while the blue sky still hangs overhead at low tide
Home again: Fog rolling in off the Bay of Fundy at Halls Harbour, Nova Scotia at dusk while the blue sky still hangs overhead at low tide
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Dimensions: 2314px * 1334px
Published: January - 24 - 2010
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Permalink mg1XasAx
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Home again: Fog rolling in off the Bay of Fundy at Halls Harbour, Nova Scotia at dusk while the blue sky still hangs overhead at low tide Home again: Fog rolling in off the Bay of Fundy at Halls Harbour, Nova Scotia at dusk while the blue sky still hangs overhead at low tide Home again: Fog rolling in off the Bay of Fundy at Halls Harbour, Nova Scotia at dusk while the blue sky still hangs overhead at low tide Home again: Fog rolling in off the Bay of Fundy at Halls Harbour, Nova Scotia at dusk while the blue sky still hangs overhead at low tide 300px //b.rgbimg.com/users/w/we/weewillyd/600/mg1XasA.jpg 600px //b.rgbimg.com/users/w/we/weewillyd/600/mg1XasA.jpg 100px