Lift High the Cross

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Lift High the Cross: Cross in a cemetary in Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada behind an Anglican Church
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Cross in a cemetary in Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada behind an Anglican Church
Lift High the Cross: Cross in a cemetary in Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada behind an Anglican Church

September 25, 2016 Jomel

Thanks for sharing. I have used this in my blog at God bless

November 17, 2015 glenneaton

Used on Thanks for the excellent photo.

April 9, 2014 melindavanry

Hi, Bill. I used this photo in a blog post about Biblical strength and courage titled "How to Be Courageous." I love the philosophy behind your work. Thanks!

weewillyd profile gallery
Image properties
Dimensions: 3046px * 2154px
Published: January - 24 - 2010
Camera: Canon
Date: 2007:03:21 15:56:34
Exposure: 1/1600
Focal length: 20/1
ISO: 100
Permalink mg1YtRQx
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Lift High the Cross: Cross in a cemetary in Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada behind an Anglican Church Lift High the Cross: Cross in a cemetary in Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada behind an Anglican Church Lift High the Cross: Cross in a cemetary in Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada behind an Anglican Church Lift High the Cross: Cross in a cemetary in Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada behind an Anglican Church 300px // 600px // 100px
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