Canada Geese 2

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Canada Geese 2: Canada Goose protecting her babies.  Please let me know if you are able to use my pictures for something.Even if it's something small --I would be absolutely thrilled to know if they came in useful for anyone!
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Canada Goose protecting her babies. Please let me know if you are able to use my pictures for something.Even if it's something small --I would be absolutely thrilled to know if they came in useful for anyone!
Canada Geese 2: Canada Goose protecting her babies.  Please let me know if you are able to use my pictures for something.Even if it's something small --I would be absolutely thrilled to know if they came in useful for anyone!
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Image properties
Dimensions: 1356px * 904px
Published: February - 01 - 2010
Camera: Canon
Date: 2004:06:19 15:59:58
Exposure: 1/500
Focal length: 362/32
ISO: --
Permalink mgNvVNmx
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Canada Geese 2: Canada Goose protecting her babies.  Please let me know if you are able to use my pictures for something.Even if it's something small --I would be absolutely thrilled to know if they came in useful for anyone! Canada Geese 2: Canada Goose protecting her babies.  Please let me know if you are able to use my pictures for something.Even if it's something small --I would be absolutely thrilled to know if they came in useful for anyone! Canada Geese 2: Canada Goose protecting her babies.  Please let me know if you are able to use my pictures for something.Even if it's something small --I would be absolutely thrilled to know if they came in useful for anyone! Canada Geese 2: Canada Goose protecting her babies. Please let me know if you are able to use my pictures for something.Even if it's something small --I would be absolutely thrilled to know if they came in useful for anyone! 300px // 600px // 100px