Hot pot

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Hot pot: The hot pot is a spicy soup very popular in Chongqing, China but also well known in other parts of China. This is the red soup (spicy) version.
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The hot pot is a spicy soup very popular in Chongqing, China but also well known in other parts of China. This is the red soup (spicy) version.
Hot pot: The hot pot is a spicy soup very popular in Chongqing, China but also well known in other parts of China. This is the red soup (spicy) version.
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Dimensions: 1500px * 1127px
Published: February - 04 - 2010
Camera: Fuji
Date: 2005:11:03 14:39:41
Exposure: 10/600
Focal length: 1820/100
ISO: 200
Permalink mh96Ooix
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Hot pot: The hot pot is a spicy soup very popular in Chongqing, China but also well known in other parts of China. This is the red soup (spicy) version. Hot pot: The hot pot is a spicy soup very popular in Chongqing, China but also well known in other parts of China. This is the red soup (spicy) version. Hot pot: The hot pot is a spicy soup very popular in Chongqing, China but also well known in other parts of China. This is the red soup (spicy) version. Hot pot: The hot pot is a spicy soup very popular in Chongqing, China but also well known in other parts of China. This is the red soup (spicy) version. 300px // 600px // 100px