Downtown Vancouver at Night 3

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Downtown Vancouver at Night 3: Lights on the water -- and full moon shining over the city taken on a holiday in Vancouver.  It was a challenge getting these shots, using everything from garbage cans to fire hydrants as
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Lights on the water -- and full moon shining over the city taken on a holiday in Vancouver. It was a challenge getting these shots, using everything from garbage cans to fire hydrants as "make shift" tripods! Please let me know if you are able to use my
Downtown Vancouver at Night 3: Lights on the water -- and full moon shining over the city taken on a holiday in Vancouver.  It was a challenge getting these shots, using everything from garbage cans to fire hydrants as
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Image properties
Dimensions: 2048px * 1371px
Published: February - 09 - 2010
Camera: Canon
Date: 2005:06:21 01:28:47
Exposure: 10/10
Focal length: 173/32
ISO: --
Permalink mhBGDHix
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Downtown Vancouver at Night 3: Lights on the water -- and full moon shining over the city taken on a holiday in Vancouver.  It was a challenge getting these shots, using everything from garbage cans to fire hydrants as Downtown Vancouver at Night 3: Lights on the water -- and full moon shining over the city taken on a holiday in Vancouver.  It was a challenge getting these shots, using everything from garbage cans to fire hydrants as Downtown Vancouver at Night 3: Lights on the water -- and full moon shining over the city taken on a holiday in Vancouver.  It was a challenge getting these shots, using everything from garbage cans to fire hydrants as Downtown Vancouver at Night 3: Lights on the water -- and full moon shining over the city taken on a holiday in Vancouver. It was a challenge getting these shots, using everything from garbage cans to fire hydrants as "make shift" tripods! Please let me know if you are able to use my 300px // 600px // 100px