Cambridge, England 4: Corpus C

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Cambridge, England 4: Corpus C: ..Corpus Christi College is one of the ancient colleges of the University of Cambridge. Founded in 1352 by the Guilds of Corpus Christi and the Blessed Virgin Mary, it bears the distinction of being the only College in Oxford or
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Description ..Corpus Christi College is one of the ancient colleges of the University of Cambridge. Founded in 1352 by the Guilds of Corpus Christi and the Blessed Virgin Mary, it bears the distinction of being the only College in Oxford or
Cambridge, England 4: Corpus C: ..Corpus Christi College is one of the ancient colleges of the University of Cambridge. Founded in 1352 by the Guilds of Corpus Christi and the Blessed Virgin Mary, it bears the distinction of being the only College in Oxford or
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Dimensions: 2112px * 2816px
Published: February - 09 - 2010
Camera: Canon
Date: 2007:09:18 11:26:48
Exposure: 1/320
Focal length: 7500/1000
ISO: --
Permalink mhBIc4Wx
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Cambridge, England 4: Corpus C: ..Corpus Christi College is one of the ancient colleges of the University of Cambridge. Founded in 1352 by the Guilds of Corpus Christi and the Blessed Virgin Mary, it bears the distinction of being the only College in Oxford or Cambridge, England 4: Corpus C: ..Corpus Christi College is one of the ancient colleges of the University of Cambridge. Founded in 1352 by the Guilds of Corpus Christi and the Blessed Virgin Mary, it bears the distinction of being the only College in Oxford or Cambridge, England 4: Corpus C: ..Corpus Christi College is one of the ancient colleges of the University of Cambridge. Founded in 1352 by the Guilds of Corpus Christi and the Blessed Virgin Mary, it bears the distinction of being the only College in Oxford or Cambridge, England 4: Corpus C: ..Corpus Christi College is one of the ancient colleges of the University of Cambridge. Founded in 1352 by the Guilds of Corpus Christi and the Blessed Virgin Mary, it bears the distinction of being the only College in Oxford or 300px // 600px // 100px