Tibetan Terrier Puppy 1

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Tibetan Terrier Puppy 1:
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"Mojo" the Tibetan Terrier ...at 6 months oldhttp://en.wikipedia.org/w ..========================Please drop me a quick note if you find my pictures useful.Even if it's something small --I would be absolutely thrilled to know where & how they are being us
Tibetan Terrier Puppy 1:
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Image properties
Dimensions: 1704px * 2130px
Published: February - 09 - 2010
Camera: Canon
Date: 2008:08:30 17:14:01
Exposure: 1/250
Focal length: 46300/1000
ISO: --
Permalink mhBJjE0x
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Tibetan Terrier Puppy 1: Tibetan Terrier Puppy 1: Tibetan Terrier Puppy 1: Tibetan Terrier Puppy 1: "Mojo" the Tibetan Terrier ...at 6 months oldhttp://en.wikipedia.org/w ..========================Please drop me a quick note if you find my pictures useful.Even if it's something small --I would be absolutely thrilled to know where & how they are being us 300px //a.rgbimg.com/users/s/su/sue_r_b/600/mhBJjE0.jpg 600px //a.rgbimg.com/users/s/su/sue_r_b/600/mhBJjE0.jpg 100px
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