Charlottenburg palace in Berli

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Charlottenburg palace in Berli: Largest existing palace in Berlin constructed in the Italian Baroque style by the architect Arnold Nering commissioned by Sophie Charlotte, the wife of Friedrich III, Elector of Brandenburg
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Largest existing palace in Berlin constructed in the Italian Baroque style by the architect Arnold Nering commissioned by Sophie Charlotte, the wife of Friedrich III, Elector of Brandenburg
Charlottenburg palace in Berli: Largest existing palace in Berlin constructed in the Italian Baroque style by the architect Arnold Nering commissioned by Sophie Charlotte, the wife of Friedrich III, Elector of Brandenburg
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Dimensions: 1660px * 1250px
Published: February - 13 - 2010
Camera: Hewlett-packard
Date: 2005:09:27 16:16:55
Exposure: 206/100000
Focal length: 1064/100
ISO: 100
Permalink mhY054Ex
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Charlottenburg palace in Berli: Largest existing palace in Berlin constructed in the Italian Baroque style by the architect Arnold Nering commissioned by Sophie Charlotte, the wife of Friedrich III, Elector of Brandenburg Charlottenburg palace in Berli: Largest existing palace in Berlin constructed in the Italian Baroque style by the architect Arnold Nering commissioned by Sophie Charlotte, the wife of Friedrich III, Elector of Brandenburg Charlottenburg palace in Berli: Largest existing palace in Berlin constructed in the Italian Baroque style by the architect Arnold Nering commissioned by Sophie Charlotte, the wife of Friedrich III, Elector of Brandenburg Charlottenburg palace in Berli: Largest existing palace in Berlin constructed in the Italian Baroque style by the architect Arnold Nering commissioned by Sophie Charlotte, the wife of Friedrich III, Elector of Brandenburg 300px // 600px // 100px