School bus pictogram 1

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School bus pictogram 1: A school bus is a bus used to transport children and adolescents to and from school and school events
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A school bus is a bus used to transport children and adolescents to and from school and school events
School bus pictogram 1: A school bus is a bus used to transport children and adolescents to and from school and school events

January 30, 2014 Zsofa

good! i'm looking for just this one!

August 23, 2012 kayelleallen

simple image. Very nice!

hisks profile gallery
Image properties
Dimensions: 3033px * 1852px
Published: February - 13 - 2010
Date: --
Exposure: --
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Permalink mhYmLMix
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School bus pictogram 1: A school bus is a bus used to transport children and adolescents to and from school and school events School bus pictogram 1: A school bus is a bus used to transport children and adolescents to and from school and school events School bus pictogram 1: A school bus is a bus used to transport children and adolescents to and from school and school events School bus pictogram 1: A school bus is a bus used to transport children and adolescents to and from school and school events 300px // 600px // 100px