Manikin / Dummy

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Manikin / Dummy: A beautiful woman. Unfortunatelty, made of plastic.Please mail me or comment this photo if you have used it. Thanks in advance.I would be happy to receive the information about picture usage. I would be extremely happy to see the final work even if you th
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A beautiful woman. Unfortunatelty, made of plastic.Please mail me or comment this photo if you have used it. Thanks in advance.I would be happy to receive the information about picture usage. I would be extremely happy to see the final work even if you th
Manikin / Dummy: A beautiful woman. Unfortunatelty, made of plastic.Please mail me or comment this photo if you have used it. Thanks in advance.I would be happy to receive the information about picture usage. I would be extremely happy to see the final work even if you th

March 22, 2010 jadey919

Really interesting shot & great colour!

mzacha profile gallery
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Dimensions: 1536px * 2048px
Published: February - 06 - 2010
Date: --
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Manikin / Dummy: A beautiful woman. Unfortunatelty, made of plastic.Please mail me or comment this photo if you have used it. Thanks in advance.I would be happy to receive the information about picture usage. I would be extremely happy to see the final work even if you th Manikin / Dummy: A beautiful woman. Unfortunatelty, made of plastic.Please mail me or comment this photo if you have used it. Thanks in advance.I would be happy to receive the information about picture usage. I would be extremely happy to see the final work even if you th Manikin / Dummy: A beautiful woman. Unfortunatelty, made of plastic.Please mail me or comment this photo if you have used it. Thanks in advance.I would be happy to receive the information about picture usage. I would be extremely happy to see the final work even if you th Manikin / Dummy: A beautiful woman. Unfortunatelty, made of plastic.Please mail me or comment this photo if you have used it. Thanks in advance.I would be happy to receive the information about picture usage. I would be extremely happy to see the final work even if you th 300px // 600px // 100px