RoadSign confusion

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RoadSign confusion: That bunch of signs can be seen near my house, Warsaw, Poland. I do not know if any driver can remember them all at first glimpse. For the next glimpse he has no time...Please comment this shot or mail me if you found it useful. Just to let me know!I woul
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That bunch of signs can be seen near my house, Warsaw, Poland. I do not know if any driver can remember them all at first glimpse. For the next glimpse he has no time...Please comment this shot or mail me if you found it useful. Just to let me know!I woul
RoadSign confusion: That bunch of signs can be seen near my house, Warsaw, Poland. I do not know if any driver can remember them all at first glimpse. For the next glimpse he has no time...Please comment this shot or mail me if you found it useful. Just to let me know!I woul
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Dimensions: 482px * 1736px
Published: February - 06 - 2010
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RoadSign confusion: That bunch of signs can be seen near my house, Warsaw, Poland. I do not know if any driver can remember them all at first glimpse. For the next glimpse he has no time...Please comment this shot or mail me if you found it useful. Just to let me know!I woul RoadSign confusion: That bunch of signs can be seen near my house, Warsaw, Poland. I do not know if any driver can remember them all at first glimpse. For the next glimpse he has no time...Please comment this shot or mail me if you found it useful. Just to let me know!I woul RoadSign confusion: That bunch of signs can be seen near my house, Warsaw, Poland. I do not know if any driver can remember them all at first glimpse. For the next glimpse he has no time...Please comment this shot or mail me if you found it useful. Just to let me know!I woul RoadSign confusion: That bunch of signs can be seen near my house, Warsaw, Poland. I do not know if any driver can remember them all at first glimpse. For the next glimpse he has no time...Please comment this shot or mail me if you found it useful. Just to let me know!I woul 300px // 600px // 100px