Side by side

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Side by side: On the left is the Holiday Inn, on the right is the Lebanese Canadian Bank. The hotel is disused since the civil war but the bank is operational. Just like the contrast between them standing side by side.
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On the left is the Holiday Inn, on the right is the Lebanese Canadian Bank. The hotel is disused since the civil war but the bank is operational. Just like the contrast between them standing side by side.
Side by side: On the left is the Holiday Inn, on the right is the Lebanese Canadian Bank. The hotel is disused since the civil war but the bank is operational. Just like the contrast between them standing side by side.
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Image properties
Dimensions: 2592px * 1944px
Published: February - 16 - 2010
Camera: Sony
Date: 2007:02:24 13:21:32
Exposure: 10/1600
Focal length: 79/10
ISO: 100
Permalink mieAR2ix
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Side by side: On the left is the Holiday Inn, on the right is the Lebanese Canadian Bank. The hotel is disused since the civil war but the bank is operational. Just like the contrast between them standing side by side. Side by side: On the left is the Holiday Inn, on the right is the Lebanese Canadian Bank. The hotel is disused since the civil war but the bank is operational. Just like the contrast between them standing side by side. Side by side: On the left is the Holiday Inn, on the right is the Lebanese Canadian Bank. The hotel is disused since the civil war but the bank is operational. Just like the contrast between them standing side by side. Side by side: On the left is the Holiday Inn, on the right is the Lebanese Canadian Bank. The hotel is disused since the civil war but the bank is operational. Just like the contrast between them standing side by side. 300px // 600px // 100px
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