Lund Cathedral

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Lund Cathedral: Lund's Cathedral is one of Sweden's most popular tourist attractions. Construction started around year 1100. and for a long time served as the seat of the largest archbishopric in Europe. The oldest parts of the Cathedral are considered the finest Romanes
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Lund's Cathedral is one of Sweden's most popular tourist attractions. Construction started around year 1100. and for a long time served as the seat of the largest archbishopric in Europe. The oldest parts of the Cathedral are considered the finest Romanes
Lund Cathedral: Lund's Cathedral is one of Sweden's most popular tourist attractions. Construction started around year 1100. and for a long time served as the seat of the largest archbishopric in Europe. The oldest parts of the Cathedral are considered the finest Romanes
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Dimensions: 1679px * 2253px
Published: February - 16 - 2010
Camera: Canon
Date: 2006:07:19 13:37:03
Exposure: 1/640
Focal length: 224/32
ISO: --
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Lund Cathedral: Lund's Cathedral is one of Sweden's most popular tourist attractions. Construction started around year 1100. and for a long time served as the seat of the largest archbishopric in Europe. The oldest parts of the Cathedral are considered the finest Romanes Lund Cathedral: Lund's Cathedral is one of Sweden's most popular tourist attractions. Construction started around year 1100. and for a long time served as the seat of the largest archbishopric in Europe. The oldest parts of the Cathedral are considered the finest Romanes Lund Cathedral: Lund's Cathedral is one of Sweden's most popular tourist attractions. Construction started around year 1100. and for a long time served as the seat of the largest archbishopric in Europe. The oldest parts of the Cathedral are considered the finest Romanes Lund Cathedral: Lund's Cathedral is one of Sweden's most popular tourist attractions. Construction started around year 1100. and for a long time served as the seat of the largest archbishopric in Europe. The oldest parts of the Cathedral are considered the finest Romanes 300px // 600px // 100px
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