Riverosion 1

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Riverosion 1: Erosion caused by glaciere melting water in Mount Rainer Natioal Park near Seattle, Washington, USA.
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Erosion caused by glaciere melting water in Mount Rainer Natioal Park near Seattle, Washington, USA.
Riverosion 1: Erosion caused by glaciere melting water in Mount Rainer Natioal Park near Seattle, Washington, USA.
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Image properties
Dimensions: 3872px * 2592px
Published: February - 16 - 2010
Camera: Nikon
Date: 2008:05:17 21:33:32
Exposure: 10/1250
Focal length: 180/10
ISO: 125
Permalink mifKFx8x
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Riverosion 1: Erosion caused by glaciere melting water in Mount Rainer Natioal Park near Seattle, Washington, USA. Riverosion 1: Erosion caused by glaciere melting water in Mount Rainer Natioal Park near Seattle, Washington, USA. Riverosion 1: Erosion caused by glaciere melting water in Mount Rainer Natioal Park near Seattle, Washington, USA. Riverosion 1: Erosion caused by glaciere melting water in Mount Rainer Natioal Park near Seattle, Washington, USA. 300px //a.rgbimg.com/users/s/su/sundstrom/600/mifKFx8.jpg 600px //a.rgbimg.com/users/s/su/sundstrom/600/mifKFx8.jpg 100px
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