Chimney surface

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Chimney surface: The world view from the chimney surface, Lund, Sweden. Hope you appreciate the strength in the simplicitity of the concept!I climbed up on the roof of smaller power/heat plant in Lund to get this close to the smokestack. Even with good lighting conditions
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The world view from the chimney surface, Lund, Sweden. Hope you appreciate the strength in the simplicitity of the concept!I climbed up on the roof of smaller power/heat plant in Lund to get this close to the smokestack. Even with good lighting conditions
Chimney surface: The world view from the chimney surface, Lund, Sweden. Hope you appreciate the strength in the simplicitity of the concept!I climbed up on the roof of smaller power/heat plant in Lund to get this close to the smokestack. Even with good lighting conditions

January 2, 2011 doodle10

love the contrast

July 23, 2010 jazza

Verry nice photo. I like it.

sundstrom profile gallery
Image properties
Dimensions: 3630px * 2420px
Published: February - 16 - 2010
Camera: Nikon
Date: 2007:05:22 18:36:16
Exposure: 10/1000
Focal length: 180/10
ISO: 100
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Chimney surface: The world view from the chimney surface, Lund, Sweden. Hope you appreciate the strength in the simplicitity of the concept!I climbed up on the roof of smaller power/heat plant in Lund to get this close to the smokestack. Even with good lighting conditions Chimney surface: The world view from the chimney surface, Lund, Sweden. Hope you appreciate the strength in the simplicitity of the concept!I climbed up on the roof of smaller power/heat plant in Lund to get this close to the smokestack. Even with good lighting conditions Chimney surface: The world view from the chimney surface, Lund, Sweden. Hope you appreciate the strength in the simplicitity of the concept!I climbed up on the roof of smaller power/heat plant in Lund to get this close to the smokestack. Even with good lighting conditions Chimney surface: The world view from the chimney surface, Lund, Sweden. Hope you appreciate the strength in the simplicitity of the concept!I climbed up on the roof of smaller power/heat plant in Lund to get this close to the smokestack. Even with good lighting conditions 300px // 600px // 100px