Disintegration - HDR

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Disintegration - HDR: Cars that have benne laying in a forrest for 50 years. The picture is HDR derived from five individual shots.
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Cars that have benne laying in a forrest for 50 years. The picture is HDR derived from five individual shots.
Disintegration - HDR: Cars that have benne laying in a forrest for 50 years. The picture is HDR derived from five individual shots.

March 27, 2015 Soulshark

Beautiful shot!

April 11, 2011 charcoal

Great HDR shots!

johnnyberg profile gallery
Image properties
Dimensions: 3622px * 2711px
Published: March - 02 - 2010
Date: 2008:08:16 12:40:35
Exposure: 100/3999
Focal length: 1100/100
ISO: 100
Permalink mjA0H5gx
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Disintegration - HDR: Cars that have benne laying in a forrest for 50 years. The picture is HDR derived from five individual shots. Disintegration - HDR: Cars that have benne laying in a forrest for 50 years. The picture is HDR derived from five individual shots. Disintegration - HDR: Cars that have benne laying in a forrest for 50 years. The picture is HDR derived from five individual shots. Disintegration - HDR: Cars that have benne laying in a forrest for 50 years. The picture is HDR derived from five individual shots. 300px //a.rgbimg.com/users/j/jo/johnnyberg/600/mjA0H5g.jpg 600px //a.rgbimg.com/users/j/jo/johnnyberg/600/mjA0H5g.jpg 100px