Disintegration - HDR

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Disintegration - HDR: Old car sitting in a forrest for 50 years. The picture is HDR derived from five individual pictures.
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Old car sitting in a forrest for 50 years. The picture is HDR derived from five individual pictures.
Disintegration - HDR: Old car sitting in a forrest for 50 years. The picture is HDR derived from five individual pictures.

April 11, 2011 charcoal


March 10, 2010 chrissy

used your stockphoto here: http://www.fotocommunity.de/pc/pc/mypics/1005161/display/20449540 Thank you !

johnnyberg profile gallery
Image properties
Dimensions: 3173px * 2144px
Published: March - 02 - 2010
Date: 2008:08:16 12:00:34
Exposure: 100/1999
Focal length: 1100/100
ISO: 100
Permalink mjA0wQUx
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Disintegration - HDR: Old car sitting in a forrest for 50 years. The picture is HDR derived from five individual pictures. Disintegration - HDR: Old car sitting in a forrest for 50 years. The picture is HDR derived from five individual pictures. Disintegration - HDR: Old car sitting in a forrest for 50 years. The picture is HDR derived from five individual pictures. Disintegration - HDR: Old car sitting in a forrest for 50 years. The picture is HDR derived from five individual pictures. 300px //b.rgbimg.com/users/j/jo/johnnyberg/600/mjA0wQU.jpg 600px //b.rgbimg.com/users/j/jo/johnnyberg/600/mjA0wQU.jpg 100px