Laundry pins

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Laundry pins: Some laundry pins on a rope. Please let me know if you decide to use it!
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Some laundry pins on a rope. Please let me know if you decide to use it!
Laundry pins: Some laundry pins on a rope. Please let me know if you decide to use it!

June 7, 2012 Tina_Morley

Thank you for this fun photo! My husband used it on his Real Church Life blog post as a symbol of serving alongside and not lording it over others. You can view it here at

March 4, 2010 andrebogaert

This is great stock, well done, lets hope RGBstock becomes popular. I am sure your contributions are very valuable here on RGB.

mzacha profile gallery
Image properties
Dimensions: 2048px * 1536px
Published: March - 04 - 2010
Camera: Olympus
Date: 2007:08:18 11:36:10
Exposure: 10/6500
Focal length: 71/10
ISO: 64
Permalink mjJy7iMx
sanitation license
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Laundry pins: Some laundry pins on a rope. Please let me know if you decide to use it! Laundry pins: Some laundry pins on a rope. Please let me know if you decide to use it! Laundry pins: Some laundry pins on a rope. Please let me know if you decide to use it! Laundry pins: Some laundry pins on a rope. Please let me know if you decide to use it! 300px // 600px // 100px