Walkway with Columns

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Walkway with Columns: Walkway with Columns in Evora, Portugal
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Walkway with Columns in Evora, Portugal
Walkway with Columns: Walkway with Columns in Evora, Portugal

March 31, 2015 swordsman47

I've written a haiku about your photo and have published it (with attribution) on my blog. It can be seen here: https://thebardonthehill.wordpress.com/2015/03/31/three-miscellaneous-haiku-by-dennis-lange-129/ Thanks, Dennis Lange, the bard on the hill

scottmliddell profile gallery
Image properties
Dimensions: 2336px * 3504px
Published: March - 05 - 2010
Camera: Canon
Date: 2008:08:24 11:45:25
Exposure: 1/125
Focal length: 53/1
ISO: 100
Permalink mjQryo2x
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Walkway with Columns: Walkway with Columns in Evora, Portugal Walkway with Columns: Walkway with Columns in Evora, Portugal Walkway with Columns: Walkway with Columns in Evora, Portugal Walkway with Columns: Walkway with Columns in Evora, Portugal 300px //b.rgbimg.com/users/s/sc/scottmliddell/600/mjQryo2.jpg 600px //b.rgbimg.com/users/s/sc/scottmliddell/600/mjQryo2.jpg 100px