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bubbles: kind of a wierd shot of bubbles in plastic.  Havent cropped it or anything - someone may find it useful or interesting?
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kind of a wierd shot of bubbles in plastic. Havent cropped it or anything - someone may find it useful or interesting?
bubbles: kind of a wierd shot of bubbles in plastic.  Havent cropped it or anything - someone may find it useful or interesting?

March 6, 2010 xymonau

Yo, Bodgie! Excellent to see you here! I love this image.

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Image properties
Dimensions: 2816px * 2112px
Published: March - 06 - 2010
Camera: Canon
Date: 2007:01:03 08:20:36
Exposure: 1/10
Focal length: 5800/1000
ISO: --
Permalink mjTXaFux
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bubbles: kind of a wierd shot of bubbles in plastic.  Havent cropped it or anything - someone may find it useful or interesting? bubbles: kind of a wierd shot of bubbles in plastic.  Havent cropped it or anything - someone may find it useful or interesting? bubbles: kind of a wierd shot of bubbles in plastic.  Havent cropped it or anything - someone may find it useful or interesting? bubbles: kind of a wierd shot of bubbles in plastic. Havent cropped it or anything - someone may find it useful or interesting? 300px //b.rgbimg.com/users/b/bo/bodgie/600/mjTXaFu.jpg 600px //b.rgbimg.com/users/b/bo/bodgie/600/mjTXaFu.jpg 100px