Auckland's Landmark

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Auckland's Landmark: Sky tower, in Auckland, New Zealand. Taken from BNZ tower.I am not inclined to bungee from there... in fact not inclined to bungy at feels safer.sorry, note there is a slight lens flare as this was taken through glass with a point&sh
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Sky tower, in Auckland, New Zealand. Taken from BNZ tower.I am not inclined to bungee from there... in fact not inclined to bungy at feels safer.sorry, note there is a slight lens flare as this was taken through glass with a point&sh
Auckland's Landmark: Sky tower, in Auckland, New Zealand. Taken from BNZ tower.I am not inclined to bungee from there... in fact not inclined to bungy at feels safer.sorry, note there is a slight lens flare as this was taken through glass with a point&sh
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Dimensions: 1932px * 2576px
Published: March - 06 - 2010
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Permalink mjYBZIgx
landmarks general_architecture modern license
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Auckland's Landmark: Sky tower, in Auckland, New Zealand. Taken from BNZ tower.I am not inclined to bungee from there... in fact not inclined to bungy at feels safer.sorry, note there is a slight lens flare as this was taken through glass with a point&sh Auckland's Landmark: Sky tower, in Auckland, New Zealand. Taken from BNZ tower.I am not inclined to bungee from there... in fact not inclined to bungy at feels safer.sorry, note there is a slight lens flare as this was taken through glass with a point&sh Auckland's Landmark: Sky tower, in Auckland, New Zealand. Taken from BNZ tower.I am not inclined to bungee from there... in fact not inclined to bungy at feels safer.sorry, note there is a slight lens flare as this was taken through glass with a point&sh Auckland's Landmark: Sky tower, in Auckland, New Zealand. Taken from BNZ tower.I am not inclined to bungee from there... in fact not inclined to bungy at feels safer.sorry, note there is a slight lens flare as this was taken through glass with a point&sh 300px // 600px // 100px