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Can't look over: A high hedge.. does it hide the future? High hopes? or is it blocking out the neighbours! Are we fenced in or fenced out?
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A high hedge.. does it hide the future? High hopes? or is it blocking out the neighbours! Are we fenced in or fenced out?
Can't look over: A high hedge.. does it hide the future? High hopes? or is it blocking out the neighbours! Are we fenced in or fenced out?
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Image properties
Dimensions: 2467px * 1814px
Published: March - 06 - 2010
Camera: Kodak
Date: 2007:01:01 09:32:47
Exposure: 1/750
Focal length: 63/10
ISO: 80
Permalink mjYEcOgx
plants trees_and_bushes security license
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Can't look over: A high hedge.. does it hide the future? High hopes? or is it blocking out the neighbours! Are we fenced in or fenced out? Can't look over: A high hedge.. does it hide the future? High hopes? or is it blocking out the neighbours! Are we fenced in or fenced out? Can't look over: A high hedge.. does it hide the future? High hopes? or is it blocking out the neighbours! Are we fenced in or fenced out? Can't look over: A high hedge.. does it hide the future? High hopes? or is it blocking out the neighbours! Are we fenced in or fenced out? 300px // 600px // 100px