Daisy chain

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Daisy chain: Plastic wind propelled daisies on black.  The original colour, and yes, has grungy bits on the shaded side... after all it was in all kinds of weather in the garden.
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Plastic wind propelled daisies on black. The original colour, and yes, has grungy bits on the shaded side... after all it was in all kinds of weather in the garden.
Daisy chain: Plastic wind propelled daisies on black.  The original colour, and yes, has grungy bits on the shaded side... after all it was in all kinds of weather in the garden.
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Dimensions: 900px * 3600px
Published: March - 06 - 2010
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Permalink mjYF9twx
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Daisy chain: Plastic wind propelled daisies on black.  The original colour, and yes, has grungy bits on the shaded side... after all it was in all kinds of weather in the garden. Daisy chain: Plastic wind propelled daisies on black.  The original colour, and yes, has grungy bits on the shaded side... after all it was in all kinds of weather in the garden. Daisy chain: Plastic wind propelled daisies on black.  The original colour, and yes, has grungy bits on the shaded side... after all it was in all kinds of weather in the garden. Daisy chain: Plastic wind propelled daisies on black. The original colour, and yes, has grungy bits on the shaded side... after all it was in all kinds of weather in the garden. 300px //b.rgbimg.com/users/m/me/melodi2/600/mjYF9tw.jpg 600px //b.rgbimg.com/users/m/me/melodi2/600/mjYF9tw.jpg 100px
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