Teen talk

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Teen talk: 3 teenage girls.  Must be a fascinating conversation judging by their expressions.  Summer picnic on the grass.  Isn't it funny to see that even when allowed to wear what they want, teens still seem to wear
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3 teenage girls. Must be a fascinating conversation judging by their expressions. Summer picnic on the grass. Isn't it funny to see that even when allowed to wear what they want, teens still seem to wear "uniform".. here same hairstyle, same black top.
Teen talk: 3 teenage girls.  Must be a fascinating conversation judging by their expressions.  Summer picnic on the grass.  Isn't it funny to see that even when allowed to wear what they want, teens still seem to wear

December 18, 2015 aldiaria

Thank you very much! I used this pic in my blog. Post about the importance of listening ( La importancia de escuchar ) http://eligefelicidad.com/2015/12/18/la-importancia-de-escuchar/

March 20, 2013 intrigue

Great photo (and good observation about the uniform!). We plan to use your photo to illustrate the concept of sharing relevant content (ie insocial media) on our blog at www.intrigueme.ca. Thanks! jen

January 14, 2013 Tina_Morley

Thanks! My husband used this picture at http://realchurchlife.wordpress.com/2013/01/14/what-is-church-to-you/

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Image properties
Dimensions: 1162px * 846px
Published: March - 06 - 2010
Date: --
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ISO: --
Permalink mjYyW1Wx
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Teen talk: 3 teenage girls.  Must be a fascinating conversation judging by their expressions.  Summer picnic on the grass.  Isn't it funny to see that even when allowed to wear what they want, teens still seem to wear Teen talk: 3 teenage girls.  Must be a fascinating conversation judging by their expressions.  Summer picnic on the grass.  Isn't it funny to see that even when allowed to wear what they want, teens still seem to wear Teen talk: 3 teenage girls.  Must be a fascinating conversation judging by their expressions.  Summer picnic on the grass.  Isn't it funny to see that even when allowed to wear what they want, teens still seem to wear Teen talk: 3 teenage girls. Must be a fascinating conversation judging by their expressions. Summer picnic on the grass. Isn't it funny to see that even when allowed to wear what they want, teens still seem to wear "uniform".. here same hairstyle, same black top. 300px //b.rgbimg.com/users/m/me/melodi2/600/mjYyW1W.jpg 600px //b.rgbimg.com/users/m/me/melodi2/600/mjYyW1W.jpg 100px