Mule Herder

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Mule Herder: Mule herder at a camp at Hemis National Park, Rhumbak Village in Ladakh region.
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Mule herder at a camp at Hemis National Park, Rhumbak Village in Ladakh region.
Mule Herder: Mule herder at a camp at Hemis National Park, Rhumbak Village in Ladakh region.

July 5, 2010 weirdvis

A worthy capture of mountain village life.

May 20, 2010 xymonau

Poor little animals have a hard life, and so do their owners. A great shot!

krayker profile gallery
Image properties
Dimensions: 1604px * 2112px
Published: March - 16 - 2010
Camera: Canon
Date: 2007:08:14 13:51:53
Exposure: 1/400
Focal length: 18200/1000
ISO: --
Permalink mkUbRO6x
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Mule Herder: Mule herder at a camp at Hemis National Park, Rhumbak Village in Ladakh region. Mule Herder: Mule herder at a camp at Hemis National Park, Rhumbak Village in Ladakh region. Mule Herder: Mule herder at a camp at Hemis National Park, Rhumbak Village in Ladakh region. Mule Herder: Mule herder at a camp at Hemis National Park, Rhumbak Village in Ladakh region. 300px // 600px // 100px