Easter Crocus Cluster

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Easter Crocus Cluster: A small cluster of crocus resplendent in the mid-day sun - new light - Easter light.
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A small cluster of crocus resplendent in the mid-day sun - new light - Easter light.
Easter Crocus Cluster: A small cluster of crocus resplendent in the mid-day sun - new light - Easter light.

June 24, 2012 xymonau

This is just so beautiful. And it looks amazing against the black background!

September 10, 2011 weirdvis

Very pretty and eye-catching.

August 30, 2011 Gramps

lovely photo,cracking focus and layout.

June 8, 2011 krayker

beautiful! nice work

July 8, 2010 jana_koll

perfect photo!

Newsham profile gallery
Image properties
Dimensions: 4000px * 3000px
Published: March - 17 - 2010
Date: --
Exposure: --
Focal length:
ISO: --
Permalink mkXRRGsx
playing_with_light spring easter
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Easter Crocus Cluster: A small cluster of crocus resplendent in the mid-day sun - new light - Easter light. Easter Crocus Cluster: A small cluster of crocus resplendent in the mid-day sun - new light - Easter light. Easter Crocus Cluster: A small cluster of crocus resplendent in the mid-day sun - new light - Easter light. Easter Crocus Cluster: A small cluster of crocus resplendent in the mid-day sun - new light - Easter light. 300px //b.rgbimg.com/users/n/ne/newsham/600/mkXRRGs.jpg 600px //b.rgbimg.com/users/n/ne/newsham/600/mkXRRGs.jpg 100px