Characterful trees

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Characterful trees: Trees of diverse shapes and sizes in West Sussex, England, in spring.
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Trees of diverse shapes and sizes in West Sussex, England, in spring.
Characterful trees: Trees of diverse shapes and sizes in West Sussex, England, in spring.

June 29, 2010 krayker

nice shot

May 16, 2010 fishmonk

Aptly named! Super photo...

micromoth profile gallery
Image properties
Dimensions: 3300px * 1400px
Published: March - 12 - 2010
Date: --
Exposure: --
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ISO: --
Permalink mkw937Gx
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Characterful trees: Trees of diverse shapes and sizes in West Sussex, England, in spring. Characterful trees: Trees of diverse shapes and sizes in West Sussex, England, in spring. Characterful trees: Trees of diverse shapes and sizes in West Sussex, England, in spring. Characterful trees: Trees of diverse shapes and sizes in West Sussex, England, in spring. 300px // 600px // 100px