McMurdo, behind dark hill

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McMurdo, behind dark hill: on our way into McMurdo Station, Antarctica. There's an IceBreaker on our Starboard side.  (to right). Beautiful, unblemished, quiet - but noisy!I'm having trouble with the categories? Nothing describes the Antarctic?
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on our way into McMurdo Station, Antarctica. There's an IceBreaker on our Starboard side. (to right). Beautiful, unblemished, quiet - but noisy!I'm having trouble with the categories? Nothing describes the Antarctic?
McMurdo, behind dark hill: on our way into McMurdo Station, Antarctica. There's an IceBreaker on our Starboard side.  (to right). Beautiful, unblemished, quiet - but noisy!I'm having trouble with the categories? Nothing describes the Antarctic?
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Dimensions: 2048px * 1536px
Published: March - 17 - 2010
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Permalink ml1czoYx
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McMurdo, behind dark hill: on our way into McMurdo Station, Antarctica. There's an IceBreaker on our Starboard side.  (to right). Beautiful, unblemished, quiet - but noisy!I'm having trouble with the categories? Nothing describes the Antarctic? McMurdo, behind dark hill: on our way into McMurdo Station, Antarctica. There's an IceBreaker on our Starboard side.  (to right). Beautiful, unblemished, quiet - but noisy!I'm having trouble with the categories? Nothing describes the Antarctic? McMurdo, behind dark hill: on our way into McMurdo Station, Antarctica. There's an IceBreaker on our Starboard side.  (to right). Beautiful, unblemished, quiet - but noisy!I'm having trouble with the categories? Nothing describes the Antarctic? McMurdo, behind dark hill: on our way into McMurdo Station, Antarctica. There's an IceBreaker on our Starboard side. (to right). Beautiful, unblemished, quiet - but noisy!I'm having trouble with the categories? Nothing describes the Antarctic? 300px // 600px // 100px