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Cake: In my language we call this cake "babka" - in direct translation it means "woman"
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In my language we call this cake "babka" - in direct translation it means "woman"
Cake: In my language we call this cake "babka" - in direct translation it means "woman"

May 4, 2014 Uticana

I might be using this image for a PTA bake sale poster in my son's school. Looks yummy!

April 15, 2010 mzacha

Yep, it looks delicious. Why didn't you invite us for a dessert? :P

April 7, 2010 xymonau

Oh! I am drooling. This looks delicious, and what a great stock photo!

Berenika profile gallery
Image properties
Dimensions: 3433px * 2567px
Published: April - 06 - 2010
Camera: Canon
Date: 2010:04:06 14:53:02
Exposure: 1/125
Focal length: 50/1
ISO: 400
Permalink mmSj8owx
food_general baked_goods sweets_and_cakes license
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Cake: In my language we call this cake "babka" - in direct translation it means "woman" Cake: In my language we call this cake "babka" - in direct translation it means "woman" Cake: In my language we call this cake "babka" - in direct translation it means "woman" Cake: In my language we call this cake "babka" - in direct translation it means "woman" 300px // 600px // 100px