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Walk: Walk in the park - I miss summer so much!
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Walk in the park - I miss summer so much!
Walk: Walk in the park - I miss summer so much!

December 12, 2013 PeKu

This photo will be used on myfitnesstunes.com. Thank you.

July 16, 2010 krayker

aah the mexican standoff, you lost to your alter ego! you got shot! :P

June 2, 2010 Berenika

I have got alterego - it has got three plastic legs and can hold camera :-)))

June 2, 2010 mzacha

Are you sure You made that photo? :P

Berenika profile gallery
Image properties
Dimensions: 960px * 1280px
Published: April - 13 - 2010
Camera: Sony
Date: 2004:08:15 15:57:15
Exposure: 10/5000
Focal length: 63/10
ISO: 100
Permalink mnwInWIx
people_general parks trees_and_bushes
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Walk: Walk in the park - I miss summer so much! Walk: Walk in the park - I miss summer so much! Walk: Walk in the park - I miss summer so much! Walk: Walk in the park - I miss summer so much! 300px //b.rgbimg.com/users/b/be/berenika/600/mnwInWI.jpg 600px //b.rgbimg.com/users/b/be/berenika/600/mnwInWI.jpg 100px